Wilko johnson roger daltrey going back home review
Wilko johnson roger daltrey going back home review

If it had never come to fruition it would have been a huge musical loss. From the opening bars to the last fading chords, this is an album that just had to happen. It is bluesy, rocky and folky in parts, and the songs have been chosen with inspiration because they suit both Daltrey's vocals and Johnson's style of guitar playing.

wilko johnson roger daltrey going back home review

Going Back Home features songs written by Johnson, either singularly or with others except one Bob Dylan cover, and is an upbeat, raucous yet carefully constructed and so listenable recording. In July 2014 he made an album with Daltrey which has taken the charts by storm. Vocalist Roger Daltrey, who Johnson saw in 1969 at a Who gig whilst he was at university, was someone with whom he had long wanted to record and he now plays regularly with Watt-Roy and is gigging with Paul Weller in T in the Park. " When he was young, Johnson had heroes, one of whom was bassist Watt-Roy and another musician, Paul Weller. As one musician put it, "you hear Johnson everywhere. Combining blues and rockabilly, his rhythmic pounding of the strings forms the background to many familiar songs. His guitar playing remains superb and distinctive. Johnson has a singular presence on stage—staring eyes and a manic "duck-walk," which he uses to cross the stage at speed. He was a major player in the golden era of pub rock bands who defined music in the late 1970s and what was to follow. He has played regularly with Blockheads bassist Norman Watt-Roy and drummer Dylan Howe as The Wilko Johnson Band since leaving The Blockheads in 1981.

wilko johnson roger daltrey going back home review

After leaving Dr Feelgood Johnson joined Solid Senders and, later in 1980, The Blockheads. His distinctive guitar style, as well as his affable demeanor, have made him a bit of a national treasure. He will forever be associated with Dr Feelgood, the influential rhythm and blues band, but he has done many things since leaving the band in 1977. Wilko Johnson has been around for a long time.

Wilko johnson roger daltrey going back home review